
  • Ibiza Convention Bureau - Mongibello
  • Ibiza Convention Bureau - Mongibello
  • Ibiza Convention Bureau - Mongibello
  • Ibiza Convention Bureau - Mongibello
  • Ibiza Convention Bureau - Mongibello
  • Ibiza Convention Bureau - Mongibello
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Mongibello rescues the quintessence of ‘Dolce Far Niente’ (The art of doing nothing, or what is the same, the art of enjoyment) in a Mediterranean enclave, on the most “lively” Island of the Balearic Islands. The tranquility of Santa Eulalia and its blue magnetism make it the perfect setting to play Dickie Greenleaf and Marge Sherwood in ‘The Talented Mr. Ripley’.

Our spaces are an extension of Mongibello’s personality, and that’s why we have wanted to bring them to life, considering a wide range of possibilities so you can enjoy them. An informal meeting in our secret room, Lola’s, a special celebration in our Pool Area, or an evening with live music in the Piazzeta are just some of the ideas we have in mind.




Cristina Hanna

Cristina Hanna


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