News & Events

The Ibiza Conference Centre is hosting two major conferences in May 2018

In May next year, the Ibiza Congress Center is due to host two prominent scientific conferences expected to attract more than 500 people to the island during the first fortnight of the month.

The 6th NOVEM (Noise and Vibration Emerging Methods) Conference, a scientific event focusing on the field of vibro-acoustics, is being held from 7 to 9 May.


Palacio Congesos 3

In previous years, the event has taken place in France, the United Kingdom, Italy and Croatia, so this is the first time it is being held in Spain. The conference will be attended by specialists from a number of countries in order to promote scientific exchange and report on the latest technology in areas regarded as major scientific challenges across various fields related to vibro-acoustics.

The 17th Oral Surgery and Implantology Congress held by the Spanish Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Association (SECOM) is due to take place from 17 to 18 May.

The event is expected to attract some 300 oral and maxillofacial surgeons and odontologists, who will be in Ibiza for two days to discuss the current state of oral surgery and implantology at national level and report on the latest advances in implantology techniques.


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